Select Your Actions Right
Life is an astonishing journey with a number of twists and shifts as well as it shifts with it various scenes in which the capacity to handle them with power and stability is tested. This is because uncertainties in life are to be overcome regularly. An adverse condition in their present life is a sign of an incorrect action or reaction executed in the past or this life. Also. good actions presented at the present duration of time will nullify the interactions of these negative actions of the past. It will also help in reducing the sorrow or dissatisfaction that they might cause. Let's look at the meaning of the message: 1. Good actions are those actions that are on the basis of the original traits of the soul-peace, bliss, purity, wisdom, and potential. On the other hand, any reaction which will take us away from the traits at the level of the personality or sanskaras is a negative action. 2. Today, my office colleague is angry with me and people have lost their temper back...