Some Steps for Experiencing Freedom of the Mind
1. Feel Yourself as a Beautiful and Divine Soul:
Initially, the step to freedom is experiencing themselves as a being of spiritual energy, full of divine attributes of potential, joy, love, and peace. The deeper anyone in the feel, the more independent anyone becomes. People never seek any standard outside as any individual is full of them.
2. It is good to bring wisdom in every thought, action, and word:
Whatever positive wisdom anyone listens or read to-take 2-3 points from the information and use it in every condition, in all their relationships, and every word, action as well a notion. This will make anyone free from peacelessness, and sorrow, which is an astounding freedom.
3.Make God your Most Beautiful Companion:
Interact with God, have a communication with Him , and feel His love throughout the day. When anyone fills themselves with God's love, their attachment, and anything in this globe goes away. Then anyone filled with all powers and can control all the sense organs correctly.
4. Seek Each Dependency and go beyond it:
The basic list of dependencies include mobile, television, tea, specific types of food, shopping, and more. Pure and positive notions will check all these and start going beyond them because only then can the notion become truly free and independent.
5. Share Qualities and Potential with Others:
Whenever people meet someone share powers and attribute with them through their vibrations, actions, and words. When a person become a giver, he stops expecting conditions and people to be their way and they also don't seek approval for anything they do. Free from comparisons and the attraction of what others think as well as speak about.
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