It's good to be productive Even When You are lazy

 It's natural to be lazy, but be honest.  We all are lazy during times. It's normal. But overindulgence of laziness in the habits is bad. It is a lot of things where every one of us wants to be motivated, even if they are hard otherwise. However, when they are tense, lazy, or tired, people lack the target to do something that needs effort.

Step: 1 Adapt the Behavior

Every one of us all has certain habits that have become a section of daily life. They have become habitual to everyone, and people will often do them without giving a thought. We should reconsider the thoughts that are not serving us. Adapt their behavior in the same way anyone alters the ringtone.

Step: 2 Make  Your surroundings more Convenient

The target here is to lessen the barriers between activities anyone wants to do.

Enhance the barriers between activities anyone likes to stop participating in by creating them harder to initiate to begin on the other side.

Although this may be simple and intuitive, many of us don't use it. This is not unfortunate as the surroundings have a magnificent impact on the behavior.

Step 3: Get Up and Start It!

The most difficult section of the behavior is usually getting initiated. And especially if anyone is lazy or tired, the more energy activity is needed, the less likely people have to begin.

Activation energy means the proportion of effort expected before anyone can start doing something. When anyone starts and settled, it is always convenient to keep moving, even if the activity is not particularly enriching.

Lowering the activation energy expected to initiate a behavior emphasizes their chances of fulfilling what people want to do exponentially.

                                                      Happy Reading!!


  1. It's always expected from one try to be active... though all days are not same .... some days really require / want to remain in ignorance but still one has to try to be productive


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