
 Our human body is made up of nerves and blood vessels, they are all over our body. Each organ is connected with another, and the effect of one organ can put the other in danger. The palms have nerve and blood vessel endings and the digestive tract, kidney, and lower back.

Clapping is a way to appreciate somebody for a job well done in award shows, movies as well as theatre. Our body is a group of blood vessels and nerves spread all through the physique. It is one of the most complex connections humans can know. 

One can find various acupressure points in the palms, they are activated when people clap. This can connect various organs that include the neck, lower back, kidneys, and lungs, and have indirect attributes as seen below:

 1. Clapping can improve overall heart health and balances the blood pressure level: Blood circulation to different organs is also enhanced by clapping. Clapping also supports improve asthma-related issues by advertising the function of nerve endings that interact with these organs.

 2. Lessen the occurrence of infections: Clapping will help immunity by motivating white cells, which are necessary for fighting germs and so decreases the occurrence of infections. Regular clapping has been explored in its benefits by various researchers. It can improve bone health in case of arthritis and connected pains.

       3. Clapping will improve overall heart health and balances the blood pressure level: Blood circulation to various body parts is also emphasized by regular clapping. Clapping also supports asthma-concerned issues by advertising the execution of nerve endings that interact with these organs.

So              Source: Different research and news feeds.

IIIImage Source: Google




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