30 Days Writing Challenge Series- Topic-4 Self-Awareness


Self-awareness is the capacity to adjust to their feelings, reactions, and notions. Being self-aware also means being capable of recognizing how other people see anyone. It is a healthy practice and cannot be ignored. Self-aware people recognize their strengths and their hurdles. While developing Self-awareness, people can regulate their feelings and responses. Self-awareness also knows how they check themselves. They may be versatile from how others see them.

People with strong self-awareness talents can:

1.       Seek their strengths and challenges.

2.       Understand and convey their requirements and feelings.

3.       Recognize other people’s requirements and feelings.

4.       See how their behaviors affects others.

5.       Develop a progress mindset and learn from their mistakes.

When people understand themselves better, it is convenient for them to build positive self-esteem. People who learn and think differently and who struggle with certain talents and works. Self-awareness will not progress all at once. The method initiates in childhood, as kids are capable to check and name their emotions, challenges, and stress. Public self-awareness is when people is conscious about how others check them.

How to support in progressing self-awareness

Achieving self-awareness can be initiated in small ways, like knowing strengths. People often concentrate on what requires enhancement. But they do not always check what they do good.

Checking these capacities supports creating self-esteem. It also permits people to employ their strengths to execute on hurdles.

Attributes of Progressing Self-Awareness

1.       Being better capacity to handle and circulate their emotions.

2.       Better interaction

3.       Good decision-making

4.       Extreme Confidence

5.       Good leadership talents

6.       Higher level of enjoyment

It is necessary to develop curiosity in life. If a person is self-aware, then he can see positive feelings. So, becoming mindful is a good practice. Better to keep a check on yourself. This will be the most effective process. Each experience will show things about themselves.


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