30 Days Writing Challenge Series- Topic 6 Self Pity

 Self-pity is the negative mental health head place they can get into when they are feeling. People feel empathetic toward themselves for the hardship they endure. This self-directed sadness often makes us feel wrong or work as a support, expecting others and console everyone.

Self-pity attracts itself differently for everyone. Whenever I feel self-pity, common notions of self-pity might check:

1.      People do not like me

2.      I feel like a failure

3.      It feels like a bad luck

4.      Life will be unfair

5.      Change is unattainable

Then I also searched why I was experiencing self-pity

Self-pity is often raised and boosted by the same resources, so pinning why anyone feels this process is the initial step to stopping it. Here are some reasons for feeling self-pity:

·         Low Self-Esteem: When their self-worth is down, people have less self-confidence, and feel their lives as out of control.

·         Trauma: Being taken benefit of or verbally checked. It can make feel them worthless and life will be against them.

·         Pain: Extreme sadness feels so hard

·         Feelings of failure: When anyone experiences failure, it is often convenient, it is often convenient to blame external forces.

·         Illness or chronic pain: If everyone around them is healthy and thriving, their discomfort and suffering can feel unfair.

 Some Remedies for Combatting

Self-pity is a thought process, and mindsets are negative. Here are eight tips for decreasing their feelings of self-pity:

1.      Face their feelings:

Self-acceptance is a powerful self-care practice that permits us to embrace the good and bad within ourselves to build self-compassion.

One way to do this is to keep a feeling journal and pen down three experiences that come up. This practice probs anyone to look.

2.      Probe a new perspective:

Bad conditions can have positive reasons on their life. It is hard to check now.  They must embrace the worldview every day to help combat self-pity and strength.





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