30 Days Writing Challenge Series- Topic 14 Self-Injury
Self-harm, or
self-injury is the work of intentionally inflicting agony and damage to one’s
own physique. Self-injury most often taken burning, cutting, scratching, and
other types of external hurt. It can also add internal as well as emotional hurt.
There are
small actions that will result in self-injury.
This may include:
are often in designs.
rubbing of a place to create a burn.
scratches, bite marks, bruises, and other wounds.
sharp items or other objects used for self-injury, even in hot climates.
reports of accidental hurt.
The basis of
self-harming behavior is often found in early childhood trauma. Including physical,
verbal, or sexual abuse. It may also be an indication of other serious mental problems
that are independent or trauma. It includes anxiety and personality.
Forms of self-injury:
mostly happens in private. It will be done in a commanded or the same way each
time, which each time, which often leaves a pattern on the skin.
1. Cutting, stabbing, or scratching with
a sharp item, is one of the most common processes.
2. Changings words or symptoms on the skin.
3. Piercing the skin with sharp items.
4. Inserting items under the skin.
When to see a doctor:
If anyone checks a doctor, even in a minor way. If anyone is
thinking of hurting themselves, reach out for support. Any type of self-hurting
is a symbol of bigger stressors that require attention.
When your loved ones itself- hurting:
Take all talk of self-hurting, seriously. Self-injury is too
hard to deal with or handle. Here are some ways to support this:
Their child: Anyone can initiate by talking with their pediatrician
or other health care servicer who can do an initial evaluation or make a survey
to a mental health skill.
Adult: Gently feel their concern and boost the person to search for medical as well
as mental health cures.
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